Flat Stanley in Hopkins October 2012
From Jameson Dunn at Harbor Day School

Name: Stanley Lambchop
Place of Birth: New York
Date of Birth: Nov. 10, 2004
Passport number: 7XD33F582

Day 1

Oct 20, 2012
Arrived at the Louise Dunn* library in Hopkins Minnesota.

* Great Grandmother

Stanley said, "Here are a couple of books I can read!"

Day 2

The Minnesota grandfolks play a couple of tunes for Flat Stan.

Day 3

Jumping into leaves is so much fun when you just raked them up! Thanks!

Day 4

FS joined Grandma and Grandpa getting a flu shot. He didn't say "ouch" and he did not need a bandaid.

Day 5

Stanley visited cousins Joshua and Morgan and Aunt Michelle and Uncle Peter in their house in Shakopee. Morgan said "We loved having you here."

Day 6

Stanley crossed the mighty Mississippi River twice and saw the highest navigable point in the river. This is St. Anthony Falls next to the #1 lock and dam. On the far right is the Stone Arch Bridge built in 1883. In winter the river is covered in ice. This pic was taken from inside the Guthrie Theater.

Flat Stanley looked at the Hubert H. Humphrey Metrodome, where the Minnesota Vikings and other sports teams play. Stanley likes football! He saw it from the yellow-windowed theater on top of the Guthrie Theater.

Day 7

Scenes from our town. When the clock plaza was built lots of citizens bought bricks for the walkway. Stanley found a familiar name. It has the year that Jameson's Dad graduated from Newport High before college at USB.

Flat Stanley waves goodbye as he leaves Hopkins through the magic of Grandparent mailbox! "Bye Stan, we'll miss you!" GP/GM Minnesota